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sapta - Significance of number 7 in sanAtana Dharma

Numbers have fascinated all civilizations for ages. From bees to insects to nature to humans, none can escape numbers. There is probably nothing more objective than numbers. Everything can be explained through numbers or numerical analysis. No wonder "sAkhya", or the school of analytical thinking, is one of the popular philosophical schools in sanAtana dharma. All numbers have a significance and can be written in detail. One such significant number is SEVEN or sapta, which has significance in the creation, sustenance and management of self in the mortal world. Some examples are below:  

At the physical and geographical realm: 

  • sapta-dvIpa - the “seven islands (dvīpa)” ruled by the seven sons of Priyavrata (son of Svāyambhuva Manu), according to the Varāhapurāṇa chapter 74 (Saptadvipa, Saptadvīpa, Sapta-dvipa, Saptadvīpā, Saptan-dvipa: 15 definitions (
    • Jambūdvīpa (salt ocean, 100,000 yojanas), ruled over by Āgnīdhra,
    • Plakṣadvīpa (sugar ocean, 200,000 yOjanas), ruled over by Vapuṣmān,
    • Śālmalidvīpa (liquor ocean, 400,000 yojanas), ruled over by Dyutimān,
    • KuSadvīpa (ghee ocean, 800,000 yojanaas), ruled over by Havya,
    • Krauñcadvīpa (milk ocean, 1,600,000 yojanaas), ruled over by Jyotiṣmān,
    • Śākadvīpa (yogurt ocean, 3,200,000 yOjanaas) , ruled over by Medhātithi,
    • Puṣkaradvīpa (fresh water, 6,400,000) , ruled over by Savana. 
  • sapta-sAgara - the “seven oceans” are defined in many ways. One such is kṣāra (salty), kṣīra (milky), dadhi (curd), udadhi (pure water), ghṛta (ghee), madhu (honey/nectar), surā (spirituous).
  • sapta-sindhavaḥ - the seven waterbodies - sindhu ("indus"), vitasta (jhelum), askini (chenab), parushni (ravi), vipash (beas), shutudri (sutlej) and sarasvati
  • sapta-ratna - the valuable treasures : gold (suvarṇa), silver (rūpya), gems (vaiḍūrya), crystal (sphaṭika), red pearl (lohitamukti), emerald (marakata), coral (musāragalva)
  • sapta-dhAtu - the seven elements that constitute the body: rasa (plasma/fluid), rakta (blood), mAmsa (flesh / muscles), mEda (fat), asthi (bone), majja (bone marrow), shukra (reproductive fluid / semen) 
  • sapta-vyAhriti - Puranas define 14 worlds, 7 higher ones (vyahrtis) and 7 lower ones (patalas): 
    • bhuH - earth or the physical plane
    • bhuvaH - sky or astral plane
    • svaH - heaven or the mental plane
    • mahaH - the consciousness plane 
    • janaH - plane of creative and social understanding; plane of the liberated atmas
    • tapaH - the plane of austerity and psychic energy; plane spiritual force 
    • satyam -the abode of ultimate truth
  • sapta-pAtAla - the seven regions below the eartth, the nether world: atala, vitala, sutala, mahātala, rasātala, talātala and pātāla. Bhagavata Purana refers to the sapta pAtAlAs as bilasvargas, as planetary systems below earth more beautuful than svarga. 
  • sapta-rishis - there are slight variations in the various regarding the seven rishis:
    • Brihadaranyaka upanishat: Gautama, Bharadvāja, Viśvāmitra, Jamadagni, Vashiṣṭha, Kaśyapa, Atri, Brighu
    • Jaiminiya Brahmana: Vashista, Bharadvaja, Jamadagni, Gautama, Atri, Visvamitra, Agastya
    • Other texts: Marīci, Atri, Aŋgīrasa, Pulastya, Pulaha, Kratu and Vasiṣṭha
  • sapta-swarAs: the seven sound waves or musical notes that form music - sa, re, ga, ma, pa, da, ni, sa.  
  • sapta-padees: the seven steps that form the seven promised of a married couple 
  • sapta-mAtrika: the seven mothers:
    • Brahmani or Brahmi - the shakti (energy) of Brahma
    • Vaishnavi - the Shakti of Vishnu
    • Maheshvari - the energy of Shiva
    • Indrani or Aindri- the energy of Indra
    • Kaumari or Kartikeyani- the energy of Kartikeya
    • Varahi or Vairali - the energy of Varaha
    • Chamunda or Chamundi - the energy of Chandi, a form of Parvati 
  • saptajihva - seven flames of fire (Saptajihva, Sapta-jihva, Saptan-jihva: 10 definitions (
    • kālī: the black one
    • karalī: the blacker one
    • mano-javā: rapid like the movement of the mind; 
    • sulhoitā: reddish in colour;
    • sudhūmravarṇā: brownish in colour;
    • sphuliṅginī: sparking forth;
    • viśva-rūpi: radiant;
    • devī: divine are the flames.
  • sapta-dha - the seven folds or seven parts. According to Patanjali Yoga sootra - तस्य सप्तधा प्रान्तभूमिः प्रज्ञा (Description of 7 bhumikas of Patañjala Yoga Sutras - Hinduism Stack Exchange). 
