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Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram - Adi Shankaracharya

karAvalamba is the dependence of a child on the parents, it is like a child asking the parent to pick up in the arms - as it offers the security to the student. When Lord Narasimhadeva incarnates, He shakes the universe by His ferocious presence that even the demigods, and mother Lakṣmī did not approach Lord Narasimhadev. It was only after Prahlaada appeared before the Lord’s lotus feet and offered Him respectful obeisances that Lord Narasimha let go of His spiritual anger and put His hand on Prahlāda’s head with affection. karAvalamba is the attitude with which we approach the Lord, in a submissive manner accepting that the only thing that can save us is the abhaya-hasta of the Lord. We plead Him to pick us up like a child. His touch can relieve us of this material inflictions. 

श्रीमत्पयोनिधिनिकेतन चक्रपाणे


योगीश शाश्वत शरण्य भवाब्धिपोत

लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥१॥

srimat-payonidhi-niketana cakrapANe 

bhogIndra-bhoga-maNi-ranjita puNya mUrte | 

yogISa SAsvata SaraNya bhavAbdhipota 

lakshmInrsimha mama dehi karAvalambam || 

  • Srimat payonidhi nikEtana - Oh the Lord with His abode in the Milky Ocean
    • Srimat - the opulent, the venerable; 
    • payOnidhi - the ocean, the milky ocean, the ocean of the vital spirit; 
    • nikEtana - one who has that as the abode or home   
  • cakrapANe - hey the holder of chakra or Sri Vishnu 
  • bhOgIndra - serpent king (bhOga - serpent)  
  • bhogIndra-bhogamaNI-ranjita puNyamUrte - Oh Lord of the most auspicious form who is decorated by jewels from the hoods of AdiSesha!
    • bhogamaNi - bhoga means to coil, experience, feel, enjoy, joy, wealth etc. maNi is a jewel; bhOgamaNi is the jewel on the hood of aadishesha 
    • ranjitha - illumined or charmed by 
    • puNyamurte - hey, Lord the most auspicious form 
  • yOgIsha - Oh the supreme Yogi
  • shAshvata - the eternal 
  • sharaNya - the refuge of the devotees, those who submit 
  • bhavAbdhipota - bhava - this material world (that which manifests and is unmanifested), abdhi - the ocean, pota - the boat! one who is the boat for the ocean of samsAra  
  • lakshmInrsimha - Oh Lord Narasimha along with the consort - Sri Lakshmi
  • mama dehi - give to me
  • karAvalambam - kara - handa, avalamba - dependence; your hand that I can depend on 

 Oh Lord Sri Narasimha, with His abode in the Milky Ocean. Oh Lord of the most auspicious body, who is decorated by the shining jewels on the hoods of aadishesha. Oh supreme yogi, oh the eternal one, oh the one who is the refuge for His devotees, who is the boat for crossing the treacherous ocean of Samsraa. Oh Lord Narasihma along with Sri Lakshmi dEvi, please give me the protection of your ever dependable, divine hands.   





लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥२॥


Sangghattttita-Angghri-Kamala-Amala-Kaanti-Kaanta |


Lakssmii-Nrsimha Mama Dehi Kara-Avalambam ||2||


  • brahmendra-rudra-marud-arka-kirITakoTi - brahma-indra-rudra-maruta-arka: the Lord Brahma, Lord India, Lord Rudra, Lord of Wind, Lord Surya, and millions of other decorated heads 
  • saMgatita-anghri-kamala - accumulated at the Lotus feet 
  • amala-kAnti-kAntA - one who has the pure / unadulterated / satva splendor that is desired by all  
  • lakshmI-lasat-kucha-sarOruha-rAjahamsa - one who shines like the rAjahamsa between two shining lotus breasts of mother Lakshmi
  • lakshmInrsimha - Oh Lord Narasimha along with the consort - Sri Lakshmi
  • mama dehi - give to me
  • karAvalambam - kara - handa, avalamba - dependence; your hand that I can depend on

Oh Lord who is desired by all, under who's lotus feet are the decorated heads of brahma, indira, rudra, maruta and other millions of devatAs. Oh Lord Narasimha, who shines like the rajahamsa between the two shining lotus breasts of Mother Lakshmi. Oh Lord Narasihma along with Sri Lakshmi dEvi, please give me the protection of your ever dependable, divine hands. 


संसारघोरगहने चरतो मुरारे


आर्तस्य मत्सरनिदाघनिपीडितस्य

लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥३॥

samsAraghoragahane carato murAre 

mArogra-bhIkara-mrgapravarArditasya | 

aartasya matsara-nidAghani-pIDitasya 

 lakshmInrsimha mama dehi karAvalambam |

  • samsAra-ghOra-gahane - in the frightening, dense forest of worldly existence 
  • carataH - I wander 
  • murAre - Oh Lord MurAri (who killed demon Mura)
  • mAra-ugra -am hurt or attacked by the wild and fierce 
  • bhIkara - frightening 
  • mRga-pravarArditasya - wounded by the family of wild beasts   
  • aartasya - of the one who is afflicted 
  • matsara-nidAghani-pIDitasya - of the one who is troubled by the internal heat (nidAgha) of jealousy  
  • lakshmInrsimha - Oh Lord Narasimha along with the consort - Sri Lakshmi
  • mama dehi - give to me
  • karAvalambam - kara - handa, avalamba - dependence; your hand that I can depend on

Oh Murari! In this frightening dense forest of worldly existence, I wander, and I am attacked by the wild, fierce and frightening wounded family of wild beasts. For the one in trouble, and afflicted by the internal heat of jealousy, Oh Lord Narasihma along with Sri Lakshmi dEvi, please give me the protection of your ever dependable, divine hands. 




सम्प्राप्य दुःखशतसर्पसमाकुलस्य

दीनस्य देव कृपणापदमागतस्य

लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥४॥


Sampraapya Duhkha-Shata-Sarpa-Samaakulasya |

Diinasya Deva Krpanna-[A]apadam-Aagatasya

Lakssmii-Nrsimha Mama Dehi Kara-Avalambam ||4||

  • samsAra-kUpam - the well of samsAra
  • ati-ghOram - extremely harsh 
  • agAda-mUlam - agAdha (unfathomable, chasm, hole, profound) mUla (firmly fixed) 
  • Samsaara-Kuupam-Ati-Ghoram-Agaadha-Muulam - this worldly existence is a deep well, extremely harsh and has unfathmoable origin 
  • sampraapya - having gained 
  • duhkha-shata-sarpa-samaakulasya - samAkula (greatly agitated; crowded together; bewildered by) where there is the pain inflicted by hundreds of greatly agitated serpents 
  • dInasya deva krpaNa-aapadam-aagatasya - of this poor, miserable soul, who is afflicted with various troubles and calamities 
  • lakshmInrsimha - Oh Lord Narasimha along with the consort - Sri Lakshmi
  • mama dehi - give to me
  • karAvalambam - kara - handa, avalamba - dependence; your hand that I can depend on

In this wretched well of worldly existence that is extremely harsh, that has unfathomable origins, I have attracted great sorrow and pain, being in the midst of hundreds of greatly agitated poisonous snakes. Of this poort, miserable soul, who is afflicted with various troubles and calamities, Oh Lord Narasihma along with Sri Lakshmi dEvi, please give me the protection of your ever dependable, divine hands. 


नक्रग्रहग्रसननिग्रहविग्रहस्य ।
व्यग्रस्य रागरसनोर्मिनिपीडितस्य
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥५॥
Nakra-Graha-Grasana-Nigraha-Vigrahasya |
Vyagrasya Raaga-Rasano[a-U]rmi-Nipiidditasya
Lakssmii-Nrsimha Mama Dehi Kara-Avalambam ||5||

  • samsAra-sAgara-vishAla-karAla - samsAra-sAgara - the ocean of material existence, vishAla (expanse, mighty), karAla (formidable, dreadful, terrible): In the mighty ocean of samsAra that is dreadful in nature. 
  • kAla-nakra - the crocodile of time  
  • grasana - jaws (swallowing, seizing) 
  • nigraha - restraint, defeat, restrain, destruction 
  • vigraha - body, separation, keeping apart, independence, division
  • vyagrasya - of the restless, unsteady, zealous, bewildered
  • rAga-rasana - of the desires and the senses (perceptions)  
  • urmi-nIpIDitasya - squeezed/hurt/pained/pressed by the waves
  • lakshmInrsimha - Oh Lord Narasimha along with the consort - Sri Lakshmi
  • mama dehi - give to me
  • karAvalambam - kara - handa, avalamba - dependence; your hand that I can depend on

In this massive ocean of material existence that is formidable, dreadful that has the swallowing jaws of a crocodile, my life is retrained, eaten away and squeezed by the restlessness created by the waves of desires and senses. Oh Lord Narasihma along with Sri Lakshmi dEvi, please give me the protection of your ever dependable, divine hands. 

शाखाशतं करणपत्रमनङ्गपुष्पम् ।
आरुह्य दुःखफलितं पततो दयालो
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥६॥
Shaakhaa-Shatam Karanna-Patram-Anangga-Pusspam |
Aaruhya Duhkha-Phalitam Patato Dayaalo
Lakssmii-Nrsimha Mama Dehi Kara-Avalambam ||6||

  • samsAra-vRksham-agha-bIjam-ananta-karma-shAkhA-shatam : of this tree of samsAra, sin are the seeds, the endless karma are the hundreds of branches. 
  • karaNa-patra - the senses are the leaves.
  • ananga-pushpham - kAmadEva (desure) is the flower
  • aarUhya - having mounted
  • dukha-phalitam - sorrows have started fructify 
  • patitam - have begun to fall down
  • dayAlaH - oh compassionate one!
  • lakshmInrsimha - Oh Lord Narasimha along with the consort - Sri Lakshmi
  • mama dehi - give to me
  • karAvalambam - kara - handa, avalamba - dependence; your hand that I can depend on

In this tree of samsAra, sins are the seeds, the endless karmas are the numerous branches, senses the leaves, desires the flowers. Having mounted this tree, the fruits of sorrow (from the karmas) have become to fall. Oh Lord Narasihma along with Sri Lakshmi dEvi, please give me the protection of your ever dependable, divine hands. 

दंष्ट्राकरालविषदग्धविनष्टमूर्तेः ।
नागारिवाहन सुधाब्धिनिवास शौरे
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥७॥
Damssttraa-Karaala-Vissa-Dagdha-Vinasstta-Muurteh |
Naagaari-Vaahana Sudhaa-[A]bdhi-Nivaasa Shaure
Lakssmii-Nrsimha Mama Dehi Kara-Avalambam ||7||

  • samsAra-sarpa-ghana-vaktra - the serpent of the material existence, the solid face
  • bhaya-ugra-tIvra-daMShtra-karAla - frightening, terrible, intense teeth 
  • viShadagdha-vinaShTamoortEH - of the one who is destroyed by the poisonous bite 
  • nAga-ari-vAhana : the one who has garuda (enemy of the snakes - nAgAri) as the vehicle 
  • sudhAbdhi-nivAsa-shaure : one who dwells in the ocean of nectar, oh Sri Vishnu  
  • lakshmInrsimha - Oh Lord Narasimha along with the consort - Sri Lakshmi
  • mama dehi - give to me
  • karAvalambam - kara - handa, avalamba - dependence; your hand that I can depend on

The serpent of material existence with solid face, and frightening, terrible, intense teeth has destroyed me (one who is bitten by) through its poisonous bite. Oh Sri Vishnu, the one with Garuda as the vehicle, Oh Lord Narasihma along with Sri Lakshmi dEvi, please give me the protection of your ever dependable, divine hands. 

ज्वालावलीभिरतिदग्धतनूरुहस्य ।
लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥८॥
Jvaalaa-Valiibhir-Ati-Dagdha-Tanuuruhasya |
Lakssmii-Nrsimha Mama Dehi Kara-Avalambam ||8||

  • samsAra-dAva-dahana-aatura-bhIkarOrujvAla - the burning from the forest fire of samsAra, suffering/troubled (aatura). fearsome (bhIkara), range of blazing fire (ujvAla-aavali)
  • atidagdha-tanu-ruhasya - excessively burnt, tanu-ruha - every part of the body
  • tvat-pAda-padma-sarasI-sharaNAgatasya : tvat pAda-padma - your lotus feet is a cooling lake and the shelter or refugee (to the burnt souls) 
  • lakshmInrsimha - Oh Lord Narasimha along with the consort - Sri Lakshmi
  • mama dehi - give to me
  • karAvalambam - kara - handa, avalamba - dependence; your hand that I can depend on

संसारजालपतितस्य जगन्निवास

सर्वेन्द्रियार्तवडिशार्थझषोपमस्य ।


लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥९॥


निष्पिष्टमर्मवपुषः सकलार्तिनाश ।


लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥१०॥

<to be continued> 

