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Showing posts from September, 2024

purusha sukta invocation

I chanted this before Narayana suktam and everyone saw me with a surprise. The surprise on all those faces when I started with  Om tatcham invocation before Narayana Suktam prompted me to translate this 😁😁😁🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼  This is often chanted before purushasuktam but nothing stops you from invoking auspiciousness before chanting the suktam 😁😁🙏🏼🙏🏼 ओ-न्तच्छं॒-योँरावृ॑णीमहे । गा॒तुं-यँ॒ज्ञाय॑ । गा॒तुं-यँ॒ज्ञप॑तये । दैवी᳚ स्व॒स्तिर॑स्तु नः । स्व॒स्तिर्मानु॑षेभ्यः । ऊ॒र्ध्व-ञ्जि॑गातु भेष॒जम् । श-न्नो॑ अस्तु द्वि॒पदे᳚ । श-ञ्चतु॑ष्पदे । ॐ शान्ति॒-श्शान्ति॒-श्शान्तिः॑ ॥ - *Oḿ* – the sacred syllable, the unmanifested Brahman  - *Tat*– that  - *sham* – auspiciousness   - *yaH* – that which  - *avrnimahe* – that we desire  - *gAtum* – chant, invoke - *Yajñāya* – for yajna; yajna is “diligent effort”; yajno is the other name of Sri Vishnu; yajnaaya is “for yajna” or “for the performance of righteous rituals”;  - *gAtum* – chant, invoke  - *Yajñapataye* – for the Lord of the yajna  - *Daivi

Lakshmi Narasimha Karavalamba Stotram - Adi Shankaracharya

karAvalamba is the dependence of a child on the parents, it is like a child asking the parent to pick up in the arms - as it offers the security to the student. When Lord Narasimhadeva incarnates, He shakes the universe by His ferocious presence that even the  demigods, and mother Lakṣmī did not approach Lord Narasimhadev. It was only after Prahlaada appeared before the Lord’s lotus feet and offered Him respectful obeisances that Lord Narasimha let go of His spiritual anger and put His hand on Prahlāda’s head with affection. karAvalamba is the attitude with which we approach the Lord, in a submissive manner accepting that the only thing that can save us is the abhaya-hasta of the Lord. We plead Him to pick us up like a child. His touch can relieve us of this material inflictions.  श्रीमत्पयोनिधिनिकेतन चक्रपाणे भोगीन्द्रभोगमणिरञ्जितपुण्यमूर्ते । योगीश शाश्वत शरण्य भवाब्धिपोत लक्ष्मीनृसिंह मम देहि करावलम्बम् ॥१॥ srimat-payonidhi-niketana cakrapANe  bhogIndra-bhoga-maNi