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मधु वाताः॑ ऋ॒त॒य॒ते

Rig Veda 1.90.6

1st Mandala 90th Sukta 6th Shloka

मधु वाता ऋतायते मधुक्षरन्ति सिन्धवः। 

माध्वीर्नः सन्त्वौषधीः॥ 

मधु नक्तमुतोषसि मधुमत्पार्थिवँ रजः। 

मधुद्यौरस्तु न पिता॥ 

मधुमान्नो वनस्पतिर्मधुमाँ अस्तु सूर्यः।  

माध्वीर्गावो भवन्तु नः॥

- महानारायणोपनिषत्  ३९  ४ ५ ६

Let there be (madhu) nectar, pleasantness, sweetness, honey in the (vAtA) air that we breath, (RtAyate), may that yield a desire for sacrifice, or good speech. May nectar (ksaranti) profusely melt from the (sindhavaH) rivers, oceans and clouds, (mAdhviH) may the nectars intoxicate us (naH), (santu aushadhIH) may there be nectar in the medicines, (madhu nakta) sweetness at night, (uta uShati) and in the day, (madhumat) (pArthivaM) (rajaH) may the planet earth and its particles be smeared with nectar and be nectar like; (madhu dhyau astu) may the heavens be of nectar, (naH pitA) our father, (madhumat) be like nectar, (vanaspatiH) the trees, the herb, world of plants, 

(madhumat) like nectar, filled with nectar (astu sUryaH) may the Sun be like (mAdhvIH gAvaH bhavantu naH) may our cows / earth transform into nectar for us!

madhu vAtA - pleasant air, breeze
RtAyate - maintain the sacred law; let it follow the rtu (as per the season) 
madhu - sweetness, nectar
ksaranti - run, melting away 
sindhavaH - rivers, oceans 
mAdhviH - through the sweet nectar that intoxicates 
naH - us 
santu aushadhIH - may there be medicines 
madhu nakta, - in the sweetness at night 
uta uShasi - and in the day 
madhumat - like the nectar, filled with nectar 
pArthivaM - the planet earth 
rajaH - the dust, world, particles (may the soil on earth become madhu) 
madhu dhyau astu - may the heavens be of nectar 
naH pitA - our father 
madhumat - like nectar, filled with nectar 
vanaspatiH - the trees, the herb, world of plants
madhumAgm - madhumat - like nectar, filled with nectar
astu sUryaH - may the Sun be like
mAdhvIH gAvaH bhavantu naH - may the cows, earth transform into nectar for us 

This beautiful verse from MahanArAyaNopanishat prays that by offering nectar to the Lord, we receive the nectar from Him. Nectar that creates a desire in us to perform the yajnAs or results in good / sweet speech. Madhu is prayed for in the form of breeze (the air we breathe), nectar in the waters that melt from the rivers and oceans, nectar in the medicines and herbs, nectar at night and during day, nectar that pervades the mother earth in all its particles. We also pray that our dear father (the Lord) spreads the nectar in the heavens and in the heavenly plants, and pray for the nectar to flow to us through the Sun and the cattle that we have. 

If we were to combine this with the beautiful composition of Sri Vallabhacharya - madhurAshtakam. Everything about the Supreme Lord is "madhuram" - nectar flows from His eyes, ears, mouth, smile, clothes, postures, walk, flute, eating, drinking, sleeping, forehead marking etc. etc. Every aspect of the Lord infuses that sweetness of nectar within us, so He is the madhurAdipati to who we offer our prayers to receive a fraction of that nectar! 

Hare Krishna!  
