In a recent post ( ), I complied the significance of numbers from 1-8, based on Sri Bannanje Govindacharya's book "ankeyalli adhyAtma". Here it the next set. Significance of 9: navagraha (9 influencing aspects)- soorya, chandra, kuja, budha, guru, shukra, shani, rAhu, kEtu navadwAra (9 windows/holes) - 2 ears, 2 eyes, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth, pAyu (anus), upastha (genital) navaprajApatis or navabrahmAs (9 guardians) - mareecha, atri, aMgiras, pulastya, pulaha, kratu, vasiShTa, bhRugu, dakSha navavidhabhakti (9 forms of devotion) - shravaNa (kathAshravaNa), keertana (guNagAna), smaraNa, pAdasEvana, archana, vaMdana, dAsya, sakhya, aatmanivEdana navavidabhAgawataru (9 devotees, based on navavidhabhakti) - pareekshit (shravaNa), shukamaharShi (keertana), prahlAda (smaraNa), Laxmi (pAdasEvana), pRuthu (archana), akroora (vandana), aanjanEya (dAsya), arjuna (sakhya), balichakravarty (aatmanivedana) navashaktis of bhagavan - vimalA, utkarShiNi, jnAnA, kriyA...
Through this forum I will attempt to share as much authentic information as possible about "Hinduism", "Vedic Traditions" and "Sanatana Dharma"'; in quotes as they lack a specific name. I will present translations of scriptures, sooktAs, and stotras; bring debates and discussions from other forums; shed some light on some of the misconceptions of Hindu thought; and expose miscreants who hope to malign the glorious dharma. Your comments and feedback are welcome.