Bharata, the word sends a chill in many "Hindus" because it carries the energies of centuries that were blessed by many greats. "Bharata" is not merely a landmass because there are many landmasses. "Bharata" is lot more than geographical space. The word Bharata has a profound and deep symbolic meaning attached to it. The word "bharata" invokes centuries of cultural, historical and spiritual heritage of ancient "India". It encapsulates the ethos, the identities, and the essence of an ancient civilization that has flourished for millennia. There are many connotations to the word Bharata.
The widely accepted, the more popular and the simplistic version links "bharata" to King Bharata from "itihAsa" and "purANa": the land that was ruled by Bharata came to be known as Bharatavarsha. However, "bharata" has lot more to it than just the association with the King Bharata, because names are given for a reason, and have meanings. So, the question is, what does "bharata" mean?
Bharata is a complex word made of "bha" and "rata".
- "bha" stands for light, knowledge, fire, splendor, to shine, self-luminant, manifest, appear, to exist, to be pleased, to show oneself, resemblance, the reality etc.
- "rata" implies being engaged in something, being interested, pleased, delighted, gratified, disposed, loved, beloved, active intent, content, happy, merry, fond of,
Bharata, therefore, is the land where people are engaged in the process of knowledge, of light, of splendor, of wisdom, enlightenment. Bharata is therefore the cradle of culture, learning, philosophy, spirituality, and lot more. Everything from this land including language, grammar, mathematics, technology, astronomy, astrology, food, texts, songs, practices, systems, relationships, law, medicine, ethics etc. were designed around science, learning and knowledge. This land therefore produced some of the greatest texts and outstanding literature on every possible topic. The "rishis" explored the science of body, mind, intellect, consciousness, ethics and lot more. The genius minds conceived the idea of infinity, the concept of zero, and many such innovations that changed the world for ever. of this land conceived practices such yoga, meditation, spirituality and lot more 1000s of years ago that are more relevant now than ever before.
So, to say that Bharata was the land that was ruled by some king bharata is gross injustice to what Bharata has given to this world. It is landscape that has englightened the world through its knowledge, wisdom, spirituality, and more.
(this is written in one flow without grammar check, without cross-reference to scriptures, without extensive research. It is a recollection from my personal memory and understanding. So, it is bound to have limitations but it is just a minor "bha" to the "ratas" who are interested in the idea of "bharata")
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