Here is the text from Skanda Purana on the significance of Shiva ratri. Skanda Purana >>> Book 6 - Nāgara-khaṇḍa >> Section 1 - Tīrtha-māhātmya >> Chapter 266 - Greatness of Śivarātri sūta uvāca | śivarātriṃ samāsādya yastasya puruṣo dvijāḥ | kuryājjāgaraṇaṃ rātrau nirāhāraḥ sthitaḥ śuciḥ || 6 || sarvaliṃgodbhavaṃ caiva phalaṃ darśanasaṃbhavam | jāyate nātra saṃdeha ityuvāca haraḥ svayam || 7 || ṛṣaya ūcuḥ | śivarātrirmahābhāga kasminkāle tu sā bhavet | vidhyānaṃ caiva māhātmyaṃ sarvaṃ no vistarādvada || 8 || sūta uvāca || māghasya kṛṣṇapakṣe yā tithiścaiva caturdaśī | tasyā rātriḥ samākhyātā śivarātrisamudbhavā || 9 || tasyāṃ sarveṣu liṃgeṣu sadā saṃkramate haraḥ | viśeṣātsarvapuṇyeṣu khyāteyaṃ maṃkaṇeśvare || 10 || 6-7. O Brāhmaṇas, at the advent of Śiyarātri a man should observe fast and remain pure. He should also keep awake during the night. Hara himself says that there is no doubt that he will have the benefit resulting from a visit to all th...
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