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Who is Indra?

"Indra" is one of the most prominent among "gods" or "deities" in Sanatana Dharma or the "Hindu" thought process. He is mostly known as "the king of the gods (dEvAs)", and of the heavens (svargalOka). Indra is often associated with his "vajrAyudha" (thunderbolt; the weapon of diamond), thunder, lightning, storms, and rain. He is a central figure in many portions of the vedic texts, such as the Rigveda, where he is celebrated for his strength, valor, and fiery. He is praised as the deity who brings rain. He is often portrayed with human-like qualities, including flaws, weaknesses, jealousy, fear and such. 

Indra is the son of Kaśyapa and Aditi (the eldest daughter of Dakṣa). The twelve sons of Kaśyapa and Aditi are called Ādityas (Dhātā, Aryamā, Mitra, Rudra, Varuṇa, Sūrya, Bhaga, Vivasvān, Pūṣā, Savitā, Tvaṣṭā, and Viṣṇu). In addition to them, Mahābhārata Ādi Parva, Chapter 65, Verses 9-15 describes that Aditi had 21 other sons and Indra is the eldest of the 33 sons. Indra became the ruler of the Devas. airAvata (his elephant), ucchaishravas (his horse, and Vajrayyudha (his weapon).

Indra can be understood at various levels: 

  1. Literal / Word meaning: 
    • "indati iti indraḥ" - one who sees, one who dominates, one who is powerful! 
    • "idi aiśvarye" - one who is full of riches 
    • one who is excellent; the best 
    • The chief
    • The five objects of sense
    • An organ of sense  
    • The supreme being  
    • The spirit / soul in the body 
    • Lord of the atmosphere and sky
  2. Material Universe: 
    • Indra is the "lord" of this material universe. Indra is the deity presiding over Swarga. He presides over the material elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether - therefore he controls. 
  3. Symbolism: 
    • Indra rules us in the form of senses. The senses rule our mind. So, we need to win over the senses to transcend this material body. He needs to be pleased. 
    • Rain is water, which is a symbol of fertility as all life comes from water. So, Indra is a primary deity that the entire creation depends on. 
    • Indra means excellence, Indra indicates the epitome of knowledge: we should strive for "indratva" in every aspect of life. 
  4. Puranic stories:
    1. According to the ancient literature, Indra presides over the other demigods. 
    2. Amaravati (the city of the Immortals) is the realm of Indra. It is also called Devapura, ‘city of the devas’, and pUShAbhAsa ‘sun-splendour’ in the Puranas. It is the "capital city" of Svarga
In Sri Rudram, there are references to "indra", where we invoke the "indra" in each of these elements that protect us. 
  • agnishcha ma indrashcha me - I seek the agni (fire element), and Indra (the chief of agni; the deity who presides agni). I seek the excellence in agni (the heat aspect; and the sin burning aspect). agni is what keeps us alive from within by warming this material body. agni keeps us active. 
  • somashcha ma indrashcha me - I seek the soma (the elixir or nectar in the plants that makes us immortal by keeping us healthy), and the indra (the chief of soma, the moon deity who protects us by filling juice in the plants and fruits). soma is also water, heaven, nector. I seek the excellence in soma (the intellect, the vital energy). He rules the mind. 
  • savitaa cha ma indrashcha - savitR stimulates the intellect and enables the spiritual awareness. savitR is the deity of the suryamandala. I seek the excellence in savitr. I seek the savitR (the stimulator of spirit within), and the indra (the chief of savitr, Lord Vishnu, or bhargo deva). 
  • sarasvatii cha ma indrashcha me - sarasvatI is goddess of eloquence, speech, wisdom, education, knowledge. I seek the excellence of sarasvatI. 
  • puushhaa cha ma indrashcha me - pUsha is growth and nourishment and it is Sun who is responsible for that. I seek the excellence in the deity of Sun, who nourishes us from outside and within.  
  • brihaspatishcha ma indrashcha me - brihaspati is the "deva guru", the teacher of the dEvAs, one who understand the vedic wisdom. Planet Jupiter. He is the spiritual master of indra. He is the lord of prayer. I seek the most excellent "guru" in the form of brihaspati. 
  • mitrashcha ma indrashcha me - mitra is one of the 12 sUryAs, who lightens and enlightens. He provides clarity. He makes things visible from within and outside. I seek the most excellent aspect of mitra (the greatest friend, one who ensures our welfare). mitra is always in association of varuNa (maitrAvaruNa) 
  • varunashcha ma indrashcha me - varuNa is the presiding deity of the invisible world and represents the inner reality of things, higher truth (Ṛta). He is also the lord of the water, rain and celestial ocean (causal waters that surround the world). I seek the excellence in varuNa (to enable the journey within) 
(To be Continued)

tvashhtaa cha ma indrashcha me dhaataa cha ma indrashcha me
vishhnushcha ma indrashcha me ashvinau cha ma indrashcha me
marutashcha ma indrashcha me vishve cha me devaa indrashcha me
prithivii cha ma indrashcha me antariiksham cha ma indrashcha me
dyaushcha ma indrashcha me dishashcha ma indrashcha me
muurdhaa cha ma indrashcha me prajaapatishcha ma indrashcha me
