There are as many sahasranamaas, as there are "Gita"s. When we say "sahasranama", it implies "Vishnu Sahasranama". Similarly, when we say "Gita", it implies "Bhagawad Gita", that which is spoken by Sri Krishna Himself. Srimad Bhagawad Gita has taken the prominence for many reasons: It was spoken by the Lord Sri Krishna Himself in the epic battle of Mahabharata, which in itself is popular People can easily relate themselves with the situation that Arjuna was in It covers every aspect of our lives, more comprehensive than other Gitas, and also shorter than many The poetic rhythm is much easier to follow, memorize and remember There are many other reasons. However, the biggest reason why the Bhagawad Gita from Mahabharata has become more popular than the other Gitas is that it has become part of the "prasthAnatrayis" of the aacharyas. It has taken the "sacred" status. Even Shri Shankara says "gEyam Gita, nAma sah...
Through this forum I will attempt to share as much authentic information as possible about "Hinduism", "Vedic Traditions" and "Sanatana Dharma"'; in quotes as they lack a specific name. I will present translations of scriptures, sooktAs, and stotras; bring debates and discussions from other forums; shed some light on some of the misconceptions of Hindu thought; and expose miscreants who hope to malign the glorious dharma. Your comments and feedback are welcome.