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Showing posts from December, 2019

Hindu Concept of Time

The discussion of "time" in the Indian / Hindu system is fascinating. It all starts with the idea of काल (kaala). kaala is that which "moves" - moving one from one stage to another, from one state to another, from one era to another. Time "moves" people. And, even though it is divided into "bhuta", "bhavat", "bhavya", i.e. past, present and future, kaala is symbolized as one who "eats", that all that there is present and the past. Here are some units of kaala: परमाणु (paramANu):  infinitesimal particle, atom in the atom;  passing of a sun-beam past an atom of matter 2  परमाणु = 1 अणु (aNu): an atomic particle  3 अणु = 1 त्रस्रेणु (trsrENu) - 6 paramANu 3 त्रस्रेणु = त्रुटि (truTi): 18 paramANu: minute space of time; particle; this is the time taken by sun rays to pass through 3 त्रस्रेणुs  100  त्रुटि = वेधः (vedhaH): 54 paramANU: fixing the position of the sun or of the stars 3 वेधः = 1 लव (lava):  162 paramA...